Shift Inclusion Circles

Inclusive Community Conversations

Awareness + Practice + Action

Our circles are designed to assist you in moving forward through your biases to expand your community.

The inequity of our society is more apparent than ever. We are realizing the costs of our segregated lives. Local and national events have made us aware of our silos and social, economic, environmental injustice.  The pandemic has exposed the consequences of rugged individualism and systematic racism.  It is action that moves us forward to a new way of being.

Going inward is the way forward.

  • Have you read books recently and now find yourself in challenging or heated conversations?
  • Have you been “called out” for doing harm and now find yourself paralyzed, withdrawn?
  • Are you discovering new information about the impact of the dominant culture and find yourself defensive?
  • Are you noticing the impact of language, images, bias but don’t know who to talk to?
  • How would it feel to have some guided conversation with others having similar experiences?

We provide a space to examine, tease out, and wrestle with unconscious bias, stereotypes, and cultural assumptions. We make the invisible visible. We provide guidance and brave space for deconstruction. We create culture through the practices of breathing, reflection, silence, movement, storytelling.

We offer a foundational one-year intensive workshop. We meet monthly for twelve months. Each session builds on topics and the real-life experiences of the participants.  The results are a personal shift that includes enhanced relationships, improved engagement with the community, and a plan for action. Participants are encouraged to take action between sessions, ask questions, and share their progress.

We are focused on working with people to understand and address how our culture and actions perpetuate systemic racism so we can shift, dismantle and rebuild an inclusive culture with new ways of being.

Our model compensates BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and others who are excluded for their expertise and emotional labor as we facilitate this work with our own people. We are actively seeking collaborative partners to build relationships, deepen our understanding, and ensure our accountability.

Circles are limited to eight participants with similar desires to address their bias and inclusion. These circles are ideal for board members, book club participants, or other small groups that know one another and already engage in a meaningful way. 

60-minute facilitated sessions delivered via Zoom once a month for 12 months.

Why a year-long commitment?

It takes time to build a fortified container and create a lasting shift.

Learn more about our Shift Inclusion work.

We will contact you to schedule after your order is complete.

The cost is per person for 12 monthly sessions.

